Barns, Sheds and Outbuildings

Barns, Sheds and Outbuildings
Written with the do-it-yourselfer in mind, Ultimate Guide: Barns, Sheds & Outbuildings gives readers the information they need to plan, build, and finish a utility building.
This revised and expanded edition presents a variety of buildings, from the simplest garden shed to a huge gambrel dairy barn, even to a backyard artist's studio. Part One begins with design and planning information to help potential builders locate their building, decide on its design, and decode architectural plans and building codes. Individual chapters detail the basics: building foundations, framing walls and roofs, closing in the framing—which includes all types of roofing and siding—and window installation. Other chapters cover the basic wiring and plumbing needs of barns, as well as options for interior and exterior finish work. Part Two presents design concepts with photographs and detail views of various buildings that readers can build.
-975 photos and illustrations on building barns, sheds, and garages
-Previous edition sold over 125,000 copies to date
-Clear, step-by-step photo sequences on building foundations, framing, and roofing
-A guide to finishing the interior of the buildings, including electrical, plumbing, and storage