Incubator - Digital Thermostat HovaBator Incubator

Electronic Thermostat HovaBator Incubator
Digital Thermostat HovaBator Incubator. This model is pre-set for bird eggs. Simply plug it in, then add water and eggs. Nothing to set up or adjust. This circulated air Hova-Bator comes with a built-in digital hygrometer/thermometer, plastic bottom liner, and regulates itself at 100 degrees Fahrenheit. Like all incubators, the 1588R requires a stable room temperature and should not be used in areas like sheds or barns. Being pre-set, this incubator delivers consistently good hatches. Excellent for classrooms, novices, and experts. Can be used for most types of bird eggs. Dimensions 18" x 18" x 71/2". Without an automatic turner in place, the incubator will hold 50 large duck or chicken eggs or 130 quail eggs. Very reliable 12 volt power supply. Canadian Electrical Approved.
You may also consider an egg candler to help monitor the growth in the eggEgg Candlers
Buy the incubator and turner together and save. See item 1588RK
The following turners are compatible with the 1588R incubator. Chicken/Duck - 1611, Goose/Duck - 1614, Quail - 1612 or the combo turner chicken/quail - 1610
It is HIGHLY recommended that you plug your incubator into a surge suppressor type of power supply. Power surges are often the cause of incubator failures.