Electric Stunning Knife

Electric Stunning Knife
Currently unavailable.
Electric Stunning Knife. An SKVS should be your first investment when it's time to improve your slaughtering efficiency. With the SKVS a controlled voltage shock is delivered to birds (or rabbits) the instant before sticking. This immediately stops their struggle, preventing broken bones and bruised bodies. Heart action is speeded up to actually pump the blood out so bleeding is faster and more thorough, too. Even clean-up is made easier. Operation of the SKVS Knife is so simple and safe that even the beginner can use it efficiently in just a few minutes. One of the four available settings will stun nearly any bird. A specially designed transformer with ground shielded windings provides full protection at all times. Each unit comes complete with large metal control cabinet, heavy-duty power and knife cords, a safety knife assembly, on/off switch on the handle and complete instructions. Installation is quite simple. All you need is a source of 110 v, 1 ph power and a metal grounded support (such as a Pickwick shackle) from which to hang the bird. The SKVS Knife reduces handling labor and permits stacking the birds in the KTCS, Killing Cabinet or Tunnel. It is required for any Pickwick System that is to be run at full capacity, recommended whenever turkeys are to be processed, and will prove to be very helpful in any plant. Dimensions: 15" W x 6" W x 10" H Shipping weight: 20 lbs (9 kg).