Lodge Cast Iron Skillet - 6"

Lodge Cast Iron-6" pan
Lodge Cast Iron - 6" diameter Preseasoned traditional skillet. No special seasoning required...the work is already done for you! No kitchen or camp area is complete without a good cast iron skillet. as a ribbed skillet. A century of quality - since 1896 Lodge Cast Iron products have been recognized as the world`s very best. Whether you are a camper or hunter cooking in the great outdoors, a gourmet cook or someone who simply appreciates top quality cookware, Lodge Cast Iron is the best you`ll every find! Cooking with cast iron is healthy as well. It`s a proven fact that foods cooked in cast iron contain more iron that foods prepared in other types of cookware. Best of all, they don`t wear out, won`t crack, chip, dent or warp. In our disposable world - its good to know you can still buy quality products that will last a lifetime.